Caring For Your Skin Through the Decades
Taking care of your skin’s health is important at any stage of life, but throughout the decades, the needs and concerns of our skin change. You should always take the time to reevaluate your routine, update your product regimen and explore new treatments that can deliver the results you want. We thought to ask two of our aestheticians – Avery & Alexa – how their skin has changed over time and what advice they’d give to patients.
Briefly describe your skin journey.
Avery – I’ve always been interested in all things beauty and would watch my mom and grandmother do their skincare routines when I was little. Since I was 10, I’ve always had some form of regimen – even if it was just a moisturizer. I started using medical-grade products my junior year of high school when my skin started to break out, and after seeing how much these products changed my skin, I decided to become aesthetician and have been expanding my routine ever since.
Alexa – I’ve always been one to experiment with skincare products for as long as I can remember. As a pre-teen/teenager, I used to get into my mom’s product selection in her bathroom just to see what all the fuss was about! Once I entered my 20s, I started to build consistent morning/evening routines and also began incorporating monthly dermaplanes, HydraFacials or light chemical peels.
How have your skin concerns changed over time?
Avery – Your skin is always changing and evolving, both due to the environment around us as well as just the process of aging. Growing up, my goals were to achieve a smooth texture and maintain a clear complexion. While that is still a huge concern of mine, I have also developed hyperpigmentation and melasma over time, and have incorporated products to help address these concerns over the past few years.
Alexa – In my teens and early 20s, I worried about controlling my breakouts. Now as I approach my 30s, I’m all about collagen stimulation and promoting healthy cellular turnover!
How have you updated your skincare regimen over time?
Avery – I am constantly upgrading my skincare routine, especially between seasons. In the summer, my complexion is more oily and I wear a lightweight moisturizer. In the winter, I become extremely dry and have to change to one of my more emollient moisturizers, such as Triple Lipid Restore from Skinceuticals. I’ve also started to use retinol over the past few years to help prevent fine lines and wrinkles and love the improvement I’ve seen in overall texture.
Alexa – I began to introduce retinol and a vitamin C into my regimen, and it’s completely transformed my skin. I also use a clay masque and an exfoliant weekly to give my skin an extra boost.
What are some key treatments/products to consider in your 20s? In your 30s?
Avery – This is the best time to try new things to discover what treatments/products your skin does and doesn’t love. I highly recommend a good cleanser, vitamin C, retinol, moisturizer and medical grade zinc-based SPF. Masking is also one of my favorite things to do for my skin. Doing this one or two times a week leaves your skin cleansed, happy and healthy. I also recommend getting routine facials such as HydraFacials and chemical peels.
Alexa – The best and most important investment you can make in your 20s is beginning to use medical grade SPF with zinc daily – think of it as an insurance plan for your treatments! You should also create a regimen custom to your concerns and overall skin needs. Beginning conservative Botox in your 20s is another great anti-aging prevention tool, as well as treatments such as Vampire Facials with PRP injections and Vivace RF microneedling.
Why is it important to invest in your skin at any age?
Avery – Prevention is key when you are in your 20s and 30s. This is the perfect time to dive into a skincare journey, plus it creates good habits for the future. I started using retinol and wearing sunscreen when I was 21, and it’s the best decision I could’ve made for my skin. Doing little things like this can make a big difference in the future and add more happy skin days to our lives!
Alexa – Skin needs are always fluctuating no matter the time of year, age, diet, hormones – you name it! I believe being able to have some control over it is an investment and lifestyle choice that no one should refuse. The earlier you start with your preventative measures, even if it’s as simple as wearing SPF every single day or beginning Botox in your 20s, the greater payoff in the long run.