TXA Microneedling
Tranexamic acid (TXA) microneedling is one of the newest treatments at Seiler Skin that addresses pigmentation unlike ever before. Pigmentation caused by hormones, such as melasma, acne and sun exposure as well as hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones can oftentimes be difficult to treat. Laser devices carry risk for darker skin tones and in others result in a longer downtime. That’s where TXA microneedling comes in to provide a better, safer treatment with minimal downtime or discomfort.
This treatment combines microneedling technology with the science of TXA to address pigmentation at its core. Not only have we seen extreme success with a wider variety of patients using this treatment, but also shorter downtime following treatment so people can quickly get back to their daily lives. TXA microneedling is helping replace common laser treatments and improve the overall patient experience.
TXA microneedling is great for addressing different forms of pigmentation, including hyperpigmentation caused by:
- Sun exposure
- Inflammation
- Acne
- Hormones
- Melasma
This treatment is also ideal for patients with darker skin tones experiencing hyperpigmentation that laser devices may be too risky to use. TXA microneedling can also improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improve overall skin texture.
Dr. Seiler conducted extensive research into TXA microneedling to make sure it was the treatment to help meet our patients’ needs in a safe, effective way. At the end of the day, he made the decision to bring the treatment to our practice for a few key reasons.
Dr. Seiler would be the first to tell you that moving away from laser devices like Fraxel and CO2 wasn’t something he’d ever expect at our practice, but the results of TXA microneedling really speak for themselves. When combined with other treatments such as Vampire Facials or IPL, it’s truly transforming the way we treat patients across the board. Don’t just take our word for it — experience it yourself!
As mentioned previously, laser treatments used to address pigmentation can oftentimes be uncomfortable during treatment and require a longer recovery time. TXA microneedling is less intense on the skin, making the treatment process very tolerable and also minimizes overall downtime. This means patients can better incorporate the treatment into their regular skincare regimen without worry of having to change their day-to-day schedule.
Another selling point behind TXA microneedling is its ability to let us treat a greater variety of patients. Patients with darker skin tones and hyperpigmentation struggle to find a treatment that can effectively and safely address their concerns. The combination of technology and science behind TXA microneedling allows us to treat a wider range of patients and meet their skin health goals.
Patients with acne-induced, sun-induced or hormonal pigmentation, such as melasma, are an ideal candidate for TXA microneedling. The treatment is also great for patients with darker skin tones who also experience pigmentation/hyperpigmentation. While TXA microneedling may benefit fairer skin patients, other procedures such as IPL may be a better fit.
As with any other treatment, Dr. Seiler meets with each patient for a one-on-one consultation to determine which treatment plan is best suited to fit their skin health needs.
We begin the treatment by applying a strong topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort. After that, we begin microneedling the treated areas, creating small channels in the skin through which the TXA topical solution can be applied. Once the microneedling is done, we apply the topical TXA similar to how we would platelet rich plasma (PRP) in Vampire treatments. Following the treatment, most patients are able to return to their day without problem.
For optimal results, we recommend an initial series of three TXA microneedling treatments, followed by a maintenance treatment every 6-12 months. Patients may notice decreased pigmentation shortly after each treatment. Peak results typically occur around the six-month mark, with patients seeing an overall reduction in pigmentation as well as improved skin texture/appearance.
If you are interested in TXA microneedling at Seiler Skin, please give us a call today to schedule your consultation! You can reach us at 205.870.0204 or book online.